Interface MpiFacade

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    MpjImpl, OmpiImpl, SingleCoreImpl

    public interface MpiFacade
    Serves as facade to the MessagePassingInterface (MPI)
    Christoph Schimeczek, Achraf El Ghazi
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  MpiFacade.MpiMode  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      byte[] broadcastBytes​(byte[] data, int source)
      Copies an array of Bytes from source process to all other processes
      MpiFacade.MpiMode getMode()  
      int getRank()  
      int getSize()  
      String[] initialise​(String[] args)
      Initialises MPI after its instantiation
      void invokeFinalize()
      Finalises MPI
      MpiRequestFacade iSendBytesTo​(byte[] data, int target, int tag)
      Sends an array of Bytes to the specified target process with given tag;
      This method does not block, i.e. returns immediately after dispatching the data, not confirming its receival.
      byte[] receiveBytesWithTag​(int tag)
      Receive an array of Bytes with a given tag
      void sendBytesTo​(byte[] data, int target, int tag)
      Sends an array of Bytes to the specified target process with given tag;
      This method blocks, does not return until the receiver has accepted the message.
    • Method Detail

      • getMode

        MpiFacade.MpiMode getMode()
        MPI mode associated with the MpiFacade implementation
      • initialise

        String[] initialise​(String[] args)
        Initialises MPI after its instantiation
        args - Parameter for MPI and main program
        Parameters for main program
      • getRank

        int getRank()
        MPI rank of this process
      • getSize

        int getSize()
        Number of MPI processes
      • broadcastBytes

        byte[] broadcastBytes​(byte[] data,
                              int source)
        Copies an array of Bytes from source process to all other processes
        data - byte array to be copied
        source - processID hosting the original byte array
        On all processes: The copied byte array
      • sendBytesTo

        void sendBytesTo​(byte[] data,
                         int target,
                         int tag)
        Sends an array of Bytes to the specified target process with given tag;
        This method blocks, does not return until the receiver has accepted the message.
        data - byte array to be send
        target - processID to receive the data
        tag - data stream identifier
      • receiveBytesWithTag

        byte[] receiveBytesWithTag​(int tag)
        Receive an array of Bytes with a given tag
        tag - data stream identifier
        received byte array
      • iSendBytesTo

        MpiRequestFacade iSendBytesTo​(byte[] data,
                                      int target,
                                      int tag)
        Sends an array of Bytes to the specified target process with given tag;
        This method does not block, i.e. returns immediately after dispatching the data, not confirming its receival.
        data - byte array to be send
        target - processID to receive the data
        tag - data stream identifier
        Request object that allows waiting for the completion of the transmission
      • invokeFinalize

        void invokeFinalize()
        Finalises MPI